This is a USED Ignition Key Switch
from a 1998 Polaris Trail Boss 250
Condition shown in photos. Please review all photos.
You will receive everything as shown in the photos.
Manufacturer Part #
Check out our other listings for more parts from this unit.
According to Manufacturer Microfiche, this part also fits the following units. Please make sure this fits your unit as we are not responsible for fit and do not accept returns.
reported to be used on the following vehicles:
1996 Polaris ATV BIG BOSS 6X6 400L (W968740)
1996 Polaris ATV BIG BOSS 6X6 400L NORWEGIAN (N968740)
1996 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 2X4 (W967544)
1996 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 4X4 (W968144)
1996 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 4X4 SWEDISH (S968144)
1996 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 6X6 (W968744)
1996 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 6X6 SWEDISH (S968744)
1996 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 4X4 (W967840)
1996 Polaris ATV SPORT 400L (W968540)
1996 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 4X4 (W968040)
1996 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W969244)
1996 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 SWEDISH (S969244)
1996 Polaris ATV TRAIL BLAZER ES (W967827)
1996 Polaris ATV TRAIL BOSS 250 (W968527)
1996 Polaris ATV XPLORER 300 (W969130)
1996 Polaris ATV XPLORER 400L (W969140)
1996 Polaris ATV XPRESS 300 (W969530)
1996 Polaris ATV XPRESS 400L (W969540)
1997 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 6X6 (W97AE42A)
1997 Polaris ATV MAGNUM 6X6 SWEDEN (S97AE42D)
1997 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 400L (W97BC38C)
1997 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 500 (W97BC50A)
1997 Polaris ATV SPORT 400L (W97BA38C)
1997 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W97CH50A)
1997 Polaris ATV TRAIL BLAZER ES (W97BA25C)
1997 Polaris ATV TRAIL BOSS (W97AA25C)
1997 Polaris ATV XPLORER 300 (W97CC28C)
1997 Polaris ATV XPLORER 500 (W97CD50A)
1997 Polaris ATV XPRESS 300 (W97CA28C)
1997 Polaris ATV XPRESS 400L (W97CA38C)
1998 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 400 (W98BC38C)
1998 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 500 (W98BC50A)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORT 400 (W98BA38C)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (OLIVE GREEN) (W98CH50A)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (PORCHE RED) (W98CH50AB)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W98CH50AC)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W98CH50AD)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W98CH50AE)
1998 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 500 (W98CH50AF)
1998 Polaris ATV TRAIL BLAZER (W98BA25C)
1998 Polaris ATV TRAIL BOSS (W98AA25C)
1998 Polaris ATV XPLORER 300 (W98CC28C)
1998 Polaris ATV XPLORER 400 (W98CC38C)
1998 Polaris ATV XPRESS 300 (W98CA28C)
1999 Polaris ATV SCRAMBLER 400 (A99BG38CA)
1999 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A99CH33AA) (OLIVE GREEN)
1999 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A99CH33AB) (PORCHE RED)
1999 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A99CH33CA) (OLIVE GREEN)
1999 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A99CH33CB) (PORCHE RED)
1999 Polaris ATV TRAIL BOSS 250 (A99AA25CA)
1999 Polaris ATV WORKER 335 (A99CH33IA)
1999 Polaris ATV XPLORER 300 (A99CC28CA)
1999 Polaris ATV XPRESS 300 (A99CA28CA)
2000 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A00CH33AA) (OLIVE GREEN)
2000 Polaris ATV SPORTSMAN 335 (A00CH33AB) (PORCHE RED)